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At Michiana Wellness & Longevity Clinic, we take great pride in providing the Home Run Formula our Four Bases of Health to our patients. Below is a sampling of the different chiropractic services we offer in our Mishawaka office. 


High quality nutritional supplements and vitamins for best results, and they are hypoallergenic. Doctor brands are shown to have higher quality and less toxins than other brands. Natural approaches to health tend to work better than drugs and surgery without side effects.


Delayed Food Allergies

Delayed Food Allergies can cause a multitude of symptoms, from digestive disorders, diarrhea, constipation, colitis, stomach pain to headaches, back and neck pain, skin rashes and lesions, heart arrhythmias, asthma, "brain fog", and many unusual or chronic symptoms. Because there is a delay in onset of symptoms (up to 72 hours or 3 days) from the time of consuming the food. This cause of many patients' symptoms is missed most of the time. Some studies say up to 60% of the American population may have delayed food allergies and most of them do not know it. They can be tested by IgG allergen blood tests and sometimes by muscle testing or Applied Kinesiology. This relatively unknown cause may help you find what you've been looking for in creating better health.


NeuroEmotional Technique or NET

NeuroEmotional Technique or NET is an amazing technique that helps to release emotional stresses that are creating problems in your physiology that causes dysfunction or poor healing in pinched nerves, nutrition, and toxicity, that lead to disease.


Manual Disc Treatment 

We offer the Schultz-Hagan-Lyden technique to correct herniated or bulging spinal discs. This is an effective, non-surgical, manual technique reduce the bulging disc and can relieve pain almost immediately. Over time this can heal the spinal discs and eliminate the need for surgery and its side effects, including the need for more surgeries.

Chiropractic and Muscle Reflex Testing (Applied Kinesiology) 

Muscle Reflex Testing or Applied Kinesiology has a wide range of uses in healthcare. When used with an experienced practitioner, it can help find the areas of pinched nerves and muscle imbalances, or find which exact nutrient your body is craving, indicated toxins your body needs to get rid of, and find emotional patterns that are preventing your body from healing. Muscle testing can assess your physiology and what needs to be addressed to allow you body to heal correctly.


12 Types of Menopause

Auto Accidents Symptoms

Auto Accidents Treatments

4 Bases Technique

Home Run Overview Formula

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